Comic Artists: Mary Stuart (Part IV)

Tuesday, February 15

Last, but certainly not least...
Tempo and Black Hat Collective team up to bring you Comic Artists Night at the Opera.

Artist: Jeremiah Halonie

Jeremiah's Thoughts On the Experience
This was an amazing opportunity. It's often impossible to draw during an experience like this, even sneaking in a small sketchbook or camera is impossible, so to be invited to sit with the materials and space you need to really indulge is awesome. My thanks to everyone who made this possible, and to the amazing actors and the performance they gave.

ArtistAnna Bongiovanni

Anna's Thoughts On the Experience
I really enjoyed watching Mary Stuart! The costumes alone were amazing. The colors used throughout the performance and the music made it a wonderful night and I am thrilled I had this opportunity to watch and sketch the opera. 

Artist: Kate Saturday

Kate's Thoughts On the Experience
The singing by Mary and Elizabeth was amazing, inhuman.  I had a wonderful time.

Artist: Diana Nock


Artist: Abby Lehrky


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